Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Plug in to the future of television...

Apple tv what what what???
It sounds like a really good idea first...until you read the overview. Click Here

The apple tv has only 40GB of hard drive, you can get iPod's with more memory than that! It plugs into your telly and plays your movie's... isnt thay what a dvd player does?? It also plays your music through a tv, your iPod can also play music through your tv with the right cables, so can your speakers and your car!! Whats the point!!

However slingbox makes so much more sense! Slingbox is a state of the art, electronic device that plugs into the back of your tv, it then redirects whats on tv to your laptop or computer so you can watch tv anywhere! An ingenious idea compared to the lame apple tv idea lol!


*mari* said...

well said

*mari* said...
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